Grapevine Wreaths for Gifts or Home Decor

Wreaths can be for all seasons. I have often thought of them around the holidays but I have been trying new floral and ribbon combinations which can make a decorative statement in a room or on your front door for any season. Start with a simple grapevine wreath, ribbon, and a handful of silk flowers. You will also need wire cutting pliers, scissors, low temp glue gun, and green floral wire.IMG_4915.JPG

I like to start by wrapping a ribbon loosely around the entire wreath in a complimentary color to the flowers. I like to leave plenty of the grapevine showing which keeps an earthy texture to the wreath.

Next prepare the flowers for applying to the wreath. Most flowers you will trim the stems to about 2 inches (maybe shorter depending on the size of your wreath and the amount of flowers you’re using. If you have a full bunch of flowers you may need longer stems). Since most flowers are wired stems, I prepare most of them by putting a 90 degree bend just under the flower so the face of the flower presents outward from the wreath.


I try to keep arrangements simple with 3-5 larger flowers and a few bunches of smaller flowers to accent. You can also use longer stems and greens for accent which may require extra wiring or glue when applied (I have used a longer accent flower with leaves here also).

After the stems are cut I like to loosely lay out the potential design to help visualize the final layout.

It will look a little sloppy but will help you decide if there are enough flowers for what you want and if the placement is right before you start wiring and gluing. It can be difficult to remove flowers once you’ve applied them.

To apply the flowers I use wire and the glue gun to make the flowers more stable. It is possible to use only wire. Whenever possible I try to slide the ends of stems and connecting wires under the decorative ribbon or other flowers and leaves.


Start from the ‘bottom’ of your flowers. In this example I have sunflower leaves [1], then the wispy accent flowers/greens [2] and the full sunflowers [3] are the front focus. Layering up makes it easier to hide the wires and glue lines for a more professional final product.


When attaching the flowers wrap the wire end around a stick within the wreath. I the like to secure the wire with a strip of hot glue.


After all of your flowers are applied you can stop there or add a bow if you like. A simple bow can be easy made with wired ribbon and a 4 inch piece of floral wire. I simply fold the ribbon over itself (3 layers) [A] and make sure one end is a few inches longer for the center of the bow. Pinch the center of all layers together and tie together (like a twist tie) with the green wire [B].
Then pull the longer end around the center to cover the green wire and twist tie into the back. Now apply the bow much as you applied the flowers.


When done, fluff the bow and trim any stray edges or greenery. If any flowers seem loose use some hot glue to secure them down (being careful to conceal within the design).

Now your wreath is ready to hang up or great for a gift!


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